Valledupar (Agenzia Fides) - With the intention of making healthcare centres more than just “cold buildings”, lacking human warmth and commitment for life, the Catholic diocese of Valledupar, through its Office for Healthcare Pastoral and the parish of La Natividad, will hold on 8 September, in the capital of Cesar, a 2nd Congress for Humanisation for professional medical staff and healthcare agents with the theme “For more human Hospital Care”.
Father Richard Nipson Beleño Pava, of the La Natividad parish, said “we cannot live our mission to be close to those who suffer unless we are convinced that our neighbour is the image of God, the bearer of a series of values which render the person sacred and inviolable whatever the situation of circumstances”.
Hospitals and clinics in the area of Valledupar and the region have been invited to take part in the Congress to improve healthcare services enriching them with human quality.
Healthcare Pastoral is an evangelising activity of the entire people of God committed to protect, care for and celebrate human life, making present in the world Jesus' own mission of evangelisation and redemption.
(AP) (4/9/2007 Agenzia Fides ; Righe:18; Parole:193)