Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "Literacy and Health" is the theme of International Literacy Day called by the United Nations tomorrow Saturday 8 September to underline the crucial role of health education and promote better health conditions all over the world.
In a message for the occasion UN Secretary General speaks of the close connection between literacy and health.
Today there are 774 million illiterate people in the world and two thirds are women and there are more than 72 million children who do not attend school. “Higher literacy rates would help to improve health conditions of mothers and children, fight AIDS, malaria and other disease and to attain the Millennial Development Goals”, said Ki-moon. “In general, illiteracy promotes development, helps eradicate extreme poverty and increases social opportunities promoting gender equality and a sustainable environment”. (AP) (7/9/2007 Agenzia Fides; Righe:14; Parole:160)