Cajabamba (Agenzia Fides) - Ms Pilar Nores de García directress of ‘Sembrando’ programme launched by the national Institute for Labour and Family, has launched a vaccination campaign in the Peruvian Andes mountain area of Cajabamba, Cajamarca to prevent pneumococcus (pneumonia) and parasites. At medical centres made available by the Health Ministry hundreds of mothers and their children are lining up to be vaccinated. The campaign plans to distribute an estimated nine thousand doses of vaccine in Cajamarca. The aim of the initiative is to improve the health of minors and non pregnant mothers. The vaccine against parasites can be administered to anyone over two years old, whereas the vaccination against pneumococcus can be administered to children aged one to five years. This is the first anti penumonis campaign undertaken in Cajamarca. (AP) (13/9/2007 Agenzia Fides; Righe:15; Parole:154)