Valencia (Agenzia Fides) - The, Fontilles Association to Fight Leprosy, based in Valencia, Spain has organised 50th International Course in Leprology for Medical Personnel to be held at Sanatorio San Francisco de Borja, a Vall de Laguar, Alicante.
Until 5 October some 31 participants from Argentina, China, Haiti, Italia, Mexico, Portugal and Spain, will learn how to treat and prevent leprosy and tropical dermatology.
Lectures will be given by Fontilles personnel and some expert guest speakers specialised in terrà le lezioni, insieme ad alcuni collaboratori esterni, su diverse specialità: neurology, immunology, surgery, dentistry and psychiatry…
The course will trace the development of leprosy, first symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. The lectures will also treat other diseases, African dermatology and a special Lecture on Buruli ulcer, a disease which is spreading alarmingly in central and west African countries.
Fontilles organises similar courses in Cuba, in Mexico, Honduras and Nicaragua. In Spain Fontilles personnel has participated in master courses and conferences in health centres and universities in Spain. (AP) (2/10/2007 Agenzia Fides; Righe:20; Parole:205)