Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On Thursday 6 December, at 5pm at the Pontifical Urban University (Newman Hall) in via Urbano VIII, 16 (Roma), the University Library and the Urban University Press will present the 70th volume Bibliographia Missionaria. After the introduction by the rector of the University Mgr Ambrogio Spreafico there will be interventions by Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue; Archbishop Robert Sarah, secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples; Prof. Gianni Colzani, Ordinary of Missiology della Pontifical Urban University. Conclusions by Fr. Marek Rostkowski, Director of the Library.
Bibliographia Missionaria is unique in its kind. It offers vast documentation on books and articles on the world of missionary activity and its various aspects: history, religious orders, missionary congregations, mission territories, methodolgy of mission, interreligious dialogue, ecumenism, new religious Movements... Each year it presents an exhaustive panorama of circa 3.000 signals on what has been published on the subject of mission in more than 800 periodicals all over the world. The volume is in English, and citations from books and articles are in the original language. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 4/12/2007; righe 15, parole 184)