OCEANIA/TONGA - First Tonga born Salesian priest: seed of evangelisation

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Nuku’alofa (Agenzia Fides) - The charisma of don Bosco is spreading in Oceania. After years of evangelisation and vocation promotion, discernment and spiritual counselling, Salesians in Oceania are celebrating the Ordination of the first Tonga born Salesian priest. Don Aleki Piula was ordained in Malia Tupu I Maculata Cathedral in the capital of Tonga, Nuku’alofa, (on the main island Tongatapu), by Bishop Soane Patita Paini Mafi, coadjutor Tonga.
The Salesians do not have a community in Tonga but ANS news service tells the interesting story of Fr Aleki. In 1995 while Aleki was teaching Science at Nukunuku Campus, Tupou High School of Tonga dove, he learned from an Australian volunteer teacher the educational principles of Salesian Preventative System and soon decided he wished to know more about don Bosco. He did his pre-novitate in Samoa and then studied in Fiji and Papua New Guinea.
Fr Aleki celebrated his first Mass at the Catholic church in Utulau on 9 December and has been appointed assistant priest at St John’s Salesian parish in Glenorchy, Hobart, Tasmania.
Fr Aleki is the only Tonga born Salesian. His ordination aroused the interest of the people of Tonga with regard to the Salesian congregation: he will be a seed of evangelisation. 16% of the people of Tonga are Catholics. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 11/12/2007 righe 27 parole 270)
