Honiara (Agenzia Fides) - Solomon Islands has a new priest Fr John Peter Varea, aged 28, ordained on 20 January by Archbishop Adrian Smith of Honiara. In his homily the Archbishop said “We joyfully announce and testify that another young man has consecrated his life to serving Christ and the Church”, urging the new priest to be a man of prayer and to renew every day his commitment to “carry joy to his people. To be a man free to give himself to the whole people of God and a missionary to those who have yet to hear the Good News of the Gospel".
All 200 hundred villagers in Reko village where Fr. John was born, were present with parents and friends to celebrate the ordination.
This new ordination is a sign of hope for local Church whose special attention to vocations pastoral is rewarded with a growing number of young men and women anxious to dedicate their life to the Lord.
The local Church strives to increase awareness of the beauty of the priesthood and the religious life. It also identify important challenges for vocations pastoral, address the new problems which today's culture brings to parishes, schools and the Catholic community. In recent months the local Catholic clergy discussed urgent pastoral matters, schools, education, vocations promotion, fight against AIDS, evangelisation. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 25/01/2008 righe 25 parole 254)