Rome (Fides Service) – According to a EUROCARE report to be released on 26 November at ISS the Italian Higher Institute for Health-Care during a Conference on the theme “Recent Tendencies Cancer Survival in Italy and in Europe”, cancer is the second cause of death in Italy and in Europe with levels of survival which vary in different countries according to the efficiency of health systems and therefore, preventive measures and therapy provided.
ISS, in collaboration with the Italian national tumour Institute in Milan and Italian and Europe Tumour Registers estimates the survival of patients with tumours five years after diagnosis.
The EUROCARE project, started in 1990 funded by the European Union, is one of the vastest studies of its kind in the world. Talks during the Conference will include “Tumour Survival in Italy and Europe in the 1990s”, “Interpretation of survival improvement: early diagnosis, screening, therapy”, leukaemia in Italy, tumours among the elderly. The meeting will close with a round table debate on “Inequality and inadequacies in the struggle against tumours in Italy: causes and consequent action”.
(AP) (25/11/2003 Fides Service; lines:20 words:206)