Vatican City (Fides Service) – Relations between Caritas workers and soldiers in conflict areas will be the subject of a Seminar 4 and 5 December at Caritas Internationalis headquarters in Roma. The question of sharing duties among humanitarian workers and army operations in the same areas is a focal point of an international debate since the start of the war in Iraq. The objectives of this Seminar are to agree on elements of a policy for whenever members of the 162–member strong Caritas Confederation act together during emergency and relief operations, and to provide practical guidance to member organisations currently dealing with situations where military and humanitarian organisations are operating in the same areas. Manuele Bessler, Senior Advisor to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs at the United Nations in New York, will be a featured speaker. For more information see (Fides Service 26/11/2003 lines 13 words 138)