Auki (Agenzia Fides) - Easter celebrations on Auki Island, part of the chain of the Solomon Islands, were characterized by a launch towards the proclamation of the Christian message and evangelization. Many local Catholics took part in the celebrations during Holy Week, offering a testimony of their faith, hope, and charity to their neighbors. The 9 parishes in the local diocese were entrusted with the preparations, placing their spirit and commitment at the service of the entire community.
In addition the liturgical celebrations, the faithful put on a theatrical representation of the Passion of Christ and the Way of the Cross, attracting many non-Christians as well and inviting people into a spirit of intense prayer.
The Easter experience in the Diocese of Auki, with its nearly 35,000 (of 132,000 inhabitants) baptized, has brought a renewed missionary impulse that is evident in the many events that are already being planned for the upcoming months, with participation from priests, religious, laity, and youth. Bishop Christopher Cardone recalled how just one year ago, the community had been struck by a tsunami that left the economy run aground, but did not take away their hope. The visit of the Cross and the Marian icon of WYD has given them a renewed spirit and courage in their hearts, and the celebration of Christ’s resurrection has brought fruits of reconciliation, trust in God’s Providence and enthusiasm for the community. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 8/4/2008; righe 19, parole 232)