Honiara (Agenzia Fides) - The Communications Office of the Solomon Islands has recently performed a survey in hope of improving their services and in promotion of the “Voice Katolika,” a magazine on the local Churches of the Solomon Islands. The survey’s main objectives were: to receive feedback from readers; familiarize themselves with readers’ thoughts, tastes, and preferences; receive suggestions; and lastly, make all the necessary efforts to make Voice Katolika an appreciated learning tool that is known, read, and esteemed, to make it a periodical that can play a role in formation and information and that can be useful in clarifying theological topics, feed discussion, and be a useful instrument in catechesis.
The Office is especially grateful to its readers and all those who have supported the publication with their donations in 2007. They have also launched this survey in order to better understand what parts and services of the periodical the public has most enjoyed and how to make the magazine better respond to public demand.
The previous issues of the magazine have dealt with various topics: Human Rights and Violence; Development Aid; Health Care and Social Services; New Ecclesial Movements in the Church, etc. Messages of encouragement, letters, and requests for clarifications or further reflection on a certain theme have reached the editor’s desk, all of which is a sign that the public appreciates the work being done and considers the magazine to be a useful instrument for pastoral work.
Voice Katolika’s Director, Salesian Father Ambrose Pereira sent the survey out to all subscribers, parishes, movements, and schools, asking them if the magazine is a useful instrument in understanding the faith and which parts they had most enjoyed, as well as any suggestions they might have for its improvement.
They hope to receive feedback mainly from teachers, students, catechists, and spiritual guides, as well as from priests and religious, of course.
According to Fr. Ambrose, the magazine’s role should be to “inform, educate and entertain.” Voice Katolika has been launched by the Church in the Solomon Islands in order to have a greater influence in society and thus respond to the new challenges in communication. The magazine, which issues a total of 1,600 copies, three times a year, offers articles, contributions from experts, and photographs that express the dynamic and active life of the Church on the Islands.
Fr. Ambrose observes that, “communication is very important in improving the formation of the population, in a nation that is still struggling with social and health problems.” In the Solomon Islands, less than 20% of the population (of a total of 450,000 people) can read. Many of the people with an education belong to the Christian community or have received formation in Christian schools, as the Church is very committed to education of all kinds. (PA) Agenzia Fides 24/4/2008; righe 37, parole 464)