Melipilla (Fides Service ) – In Chile Christmas falls in Summer for many a time of rest and vacation but for the young people of Melipilla diocese, according to a diocesan church bulletin sent to Fides, the Summer vacation period is “a good time for evangelisation ”. In fact once again this year the Melipilla Summer Diocesan Youth Mission will take place from 3 to 11 January starting out from the parish of St Peter in Melipilla. The young missionaries, coming from different deaneries, parishes and schools, have prepared for their mission through the year taking part in missionaries activities and formation seminars. The mission consists of shared morning and evening prayer, daily Mass, community life and then visiting families in different sectors and organising activities for various age groups including the recitation of the Rosary and meditation on the Word of God. On Saturday 20 December the young missionaries attended the final day of preparation for their mission at the Youth pastoral Centre in Melipilla. (R.Z.) (Fides Service 23/12/2003; lines 12; words 159)