Taguatinga (Agenzia Fides) – Luzivaldo Espindola Rocha, Missionary Youth Coordinator, informed Fides that the Missionary Youth Encounter was held in the Diocese of Porto Nacional, in the city of Taguatinga on March 6-8. The theme of the event was: “The Church in Porto Nacional listens, follows, and preaches – The Diocese in the Continental Mission.”
The encounter was attended by nearly 75 people from the Diocese, the majority of them being members of the Missionary Youth Group. During the encounter, there were intense moments of prayer, contemplation, and formation based on the Aparecida Document, covering the themes of “Missionary Parish” and “The Continental Mission in Brazil.” The workshops were led by youth missionaries in the parish of São João Batista de Figueirópolis.
On Saturday afternoon, several people gave their testimonies of missionary experiences and practical actions and participants visited several families in the community. In the evening, there was a “cultural night” with various artistic presentations. Sunday was the day of the “sending” and various testimonies were given, presenting the work being carried out by the Missionary Youth in the diocese and throughout the country. “With these experiences, the Missionary Youth of our diocese continue making it their everyday mission to evangelize,” Luzivaldo Espindola said in concluding. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 13/3/2009)