Sydney (Agenzia Fides) – The interaction and strict connection on a political, cultural, social, and religious level between eastern Asia and Oceania are well-known. The migration patterns between the two continents are increasing and this fact has led to a series of challenges that the Catholic community cannot ignore. This is why the CathNews, the main news service for the Australian Catholic community (, supported by the Bishops' Conference and dedicated to the Church in Oceania, has launched an Asian section. The decision was made by Australian Jesuit Fr. Michael Kelly, Special Consultant for CathNews and, for several months, Director of the Asian Catholic agency Ucanews. CathNews Asia will offer daily news and articles on the Catholic Church on the Asian continent, thanks to a collaboration effort with Ucanews.
“The most exciting possibilities for the Church anywhere in the world are in Asia,” said Fr. Kelly. “Not only in terms of the human needs in these countries, but also in the encounters with many traditions, beliefs and cultures that pre-date Jesus. The role of the media is reflecting on, and communicating, these encounters for the enrichment of the whole Church.”
The Australian Bishops, through the Social Communications Office of the Bishops' Conference, have been promoting the Church's presence in the new forms of mass media. “Catholic Australia,” the electronic bulletin of the Australian Church, is widely read and offers articles and contributions from experts that help readers to understand the situation of the Church in Australia. The bulletin is now highly appreciated by Catholic parishes, schools, associations, and communities. It features current events, history of the Church, spirituality, and theology. There are also sections for the youth and the laity, for education and catechesis. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 17/7/2009)