VATICAN -AVE MARIA: Mgr Luciano Alimandi - The heart of a Witness!

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Like the disciples during Jesus' life here on earth, we too often have difficulty in believing in the Lord and in trusting in his almighty power. We do not always turn to him with the simple, solid trust which should mark the real believer in Christ. Although we profess our faith in the divinity of Jesus Christ, and we know that for God nothing is impossible, we are often hesitant in prayer, we lack 'boldness' in our relationship with Him, as if there were an abyss between Him and us.
Jesus loves us immensely and wishes to fill us with himself, to fill us with His divine life. But we tend to stay on the beach, digging holes, being content with the little water we find, instead of plunging into the boundless ocean of His love
Today, as in the time of Jesus: people listened to him, they watched him, they saw his miracles, but when it came to taking the decisive step of faith in Him, they drew back, and only a few stayed and followed Him.
Jesus came on earth to offer every man and woman real Love, salvation, liberation from evil and sin, but how often this freely given offer is refused!
The Gospel testifies that no miracle was ever refused by Jesus to a person who asked with trust, no hand which opened to him ever remained empty, no heart which sought in him consolation was ever refused consolation... Jesus rejects no one, he welcomes all and he never tires of saying again and again: “ 'Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. (Mt 11, 28), “ 'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me! Let anyone who believes in me come and drink!” (Jn 7, 37-38).
Last Sunday, the 23rd of the year, the Liturgy of the Word drew our attention to the event of the deaf and dumb man healed by Jesus: "‘and he said to him, 'Ephphatha,' that is, 'Be opened.' And his ears were opened, and at once the impediment of his tongue was loosened and he spoke clearly” (Mk 7, 32-35).
It is interesting to note that the man did not go to Jesus alone, he let others take him there: “they brought him a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech; and they asked him to lay his hand on him”.
How often we would need the help of the Lord's disciples to help us swim in the “sea” of Jesus, to believe more profoundly in his almighty grace. It is a gift of God when we meet hearts truly open to God's grace, hearts which witness with faith and life, and encourage us to go to Jesus, they 'take' us to him, they draw us with a fascinating life lived for Him, with joy which knows no equal. Generous hearts which pray for us to the Father, asking Him to give us what we dare not even hope.
How wonderful it will be one day to see the transfigured faces in Heaven of those who perhaps unconsciously, showed us the Face of Jesus! His Face hides behind so many faces of his witnesses, perhaps with little signs of love: a smile filled with understanding, a word or an act of charity, discrete silence, a gentle word of advice … Even the smallest gift is shared with eternity when it is given in unity with Jesus!
Pope Paul VI's remark about the importance witnesses is well known: “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 41). A witness, with witness of life, 'transports' us to Jesus. For example how many “holy” preachers, with their word and their life, have led souls, open to the breath of grace, to encounter Jesus and to experience, in this way, divine mercy!
We should be deeply grateful to God for every “witness” of Christ whom we meet on our path, from the moment of Baptism when we become children of God. In his goodness, God never leaves us without the support of such souls. But we must have the humility to recognise these tools of grace which 'lead' us to Jesus!
The man who was deaf and dumb, like the paralytic, (cfr. Lk 5, 18-25), let himself be led to Jesus by people who trusted in Him, by people who through faith or experience, knew that from that Man no one went away empty handed.
The Lord Jesus, before dying on the Cross, left us his Mother to be our Mother (cfr. Jn 19, 25-27). On 15 September when we celebrate Our Lady of Sorrows we can remember once again and once again accept the immense gift which Jesus made us, the gift of his Most Holy Mother. The Blessed Virgin Mary will always draw us to Jesus and if we trust her guidance the desert around us, starting with our hearts, will become a garden!
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, keep my heart like that of a child, pure and clear, like water from the source. Obtain for me a simple heart which lingers not in human sadness, a heart which is magnificent in giving itself, tender with compassion, a faithful and generous heart which neither forgets good deeds, nor bears a grudge for offences. Obtain for me a humble heart which loves without demanding love in return, a heart happy to disappear in other hearts sacrificing itself before Your Divine Son, a great and indomitable heart which no ingratitude can ever close, no indifference can ever tire, a heart tormented by the passion of the glory of Jesus Christ, wounded by His Love with a wound which will be healed only in Heaven. Amen”. (L. de Grandmaison) (Agenzia Fides 9/9/2009; righe 64, parole 980)
