Talas (Agenzia Fides) – In the Province of Talas (northwestern Kyrgyzstan), a three-month plan is underway for the distribution of dietary supplements in order to reduce the number of children with anemia and rickets. According to UNICEF, at the end of 2008, 50% of Kyrgyzstan's children and women were anemic. In Talas, this was 70% of the population, in addition to the highest level of persons with rickets in the country (27.3%). Anemia and rickets are the result of a lack of micronutrients and require intense therapy. The campaign underway calls for the distribution of dietary supplements for children ages 6 months to 2 years. In the Province of Talas, there are 217,000 inhabitants, 7,500 of whom are children between 6 months and 2 years of age. The study reports that the children are not receiving sufficient vitamins and micronutrients. The lack of these two elements in the human organism bring congenial malformations, physical problems, lack of mental development, as well as a high chance of catching other infectious diseases or parasites. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 10/9/2009)