Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) – The Catholic Church in Brazil is preparing a campaign against AIDS which will also include testing and preventative measures. The President of the Brazilian Bishops' Conference, Bishop Geraldo Lirio Rocha, and the Health Minister of Brazil took part in a meeting to launch the “Pilot Program” for the distribution of information on the pandemic.
Brazil, the most populous Catholic country in the world, with 190 million inhabitants, has established a prevention and treatment program for AIDS, considered in reference to the World Health Organization.
The project that has recently been announced is being coordinated by the Pastoral Department for Sexually Transmitted Diseases and will begin in Manaus, in the Amazon Region, in Fortaleza (northeast), and in Porto Alegre (south). According to a member of the Pastoral Department, if this experience has positive results, it will be established in all the nation's parishes. One of the objectives of the program is to make Catholics aware of the risk of AIDS. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 22/10/2009)