Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "A small Christmas gift can accomplish great miracles": this is the underlining theme of the solidarity campaign for Advent being organized by the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Australia.
“A small gift of $20 can work some big miracles for children, communities and church leaders in many of the world’s developing countries,” says the PMS in a statement sent to Fides.
"From just $20 you can help provide safe transport to a food relief centre for five children in war torn Baghdad, Iraq; provide medicine for 53 infants in Kholajhiri, Bangladesh or assist a child with a disability in Congo," says the statement, which will be released in Advent in all parishes, Catholic schools and associations of the Australian territory.
The PMS intends to offer a Christian approach to consumerism and the practice of Christmas gifts to benefit the mission purposes and works around the world. The children and the people who participate in the campaign of the PMS will receive an expression of gratitude from the community who received the gift and that shows how that Christmas gift has been used and has borne fruit. The motto that is overseeing this campaign "Life for All". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 28/11/2009)