Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) – Since February 23, the blog of the Brazilian Bishops' Conference (CNBB) has been up and running on the Internet. Encouraged by Pope Benedict XVI in his Message for the 44th World Communications Day, in which he mentioned that the Church should use "new media in the service of the Word,” the page will complete the website of the Bishops' Conference by offering news, video, audio, photos, and posted comments. The Bishops say that through this new presence of CNBB on the Internet, they hope to generate more dynamism and agility in their communication.
According to the Secretary General of the CNBB, Bishop Dimas Lara Barbosa, the CNBB sees increasing data requests for information on the Internet and the blog will give more strength to this presence. "We're already on Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Flickr and the next step is our blog. I hope that this new presence will complement other existing means of communication so that the CNBB can communicate information in a more objective and clear manner. Soon, we will build a blog on the Continental Mission, so as to increase our evangelizing presence through new technologies, for the Kingdom of God," Bishop Dimas said.
The press officer of the CNBB, Father Geraldo Martins Dias, stressed that "the blog is another alternative for communication in which the CNBB takes advantage of the universe opened by new technologies. It is therefore the Church's efforts to reach as many people as people." (CE) (Agenzia Fides 25/02/2010)