Cochabamba (Agenzia Fides) – From 28 June to 3 July, in Cochabamba (Bolivia), consecrated persons, men and women religious, temporary and perpetual vows, novices, chaplains, spiritual directors, active in vocation discernment and direction for religious life, will gather for a National Meeting of Vocation Animators for religious life. According to a statement sent to Fides, “the week will be an opportunity for prayer, listening, discussion, experience sharing, and identifying new strategies and plans. It will help map out a route in the life story of every person, enriching individual contribution to vocational work”. Promoted by the Bolivian Conference of Religious Men and Women, the Week will be animated by a team from the Regina Apostolorum College of Religious Science.
The Weeks activities include conferences on the following themes: the finalities of vocation pastoral; moral and spiritual formation of young people today; the characteristics of the vocation animator; the role of the laity in vocation pastoral; criteria for vocation discernment. Each day a workshop on vocation pastoral planning will be led by a different teacher, and the day will conclude with a Celebration of the Eucharist. We read in the invitation that the initiative “is inspired by our trust in the Lord”, because vocation pastoral demands full commitment in the present day situation which may often cause feelings of lack of confidence and discouragement. “If we have hope in the Master of the harvest and we look to the horizon, we will see fields ready for harvest and the many opportunities sent by the Lord, opportunities which must be cultivated and concretised ”. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 25/6/2010)