Santo Domingo (Agenzia Fides) – Representatives from 22 countries attended the Tuesday, June 29th celebration of "Ibero-American Cooperation Day" held every year, this time celebrated in the Dominican Republic, to promote the participation of national institutions and to observe the so-called “Major Ibero-American Programs." In a statement sent to Fides, it says that the real news this year is the proposal to incorporate Haiti as a member of the group. "We want to welcome Haiti as a member of this Ibero-American body," said those responsible for the international cooperation of 21 countries, in a document published following the meeting in Santo Domingo.
Haiti is not part of this group of Ibero-American nations, but the group's secretary general, Enrique Iglesias, during the forum expressed his hope that in the near future this impoverished Caribbean nation would join this community.
Iglesias presided the Ibero-American Cooperation Day in Santo Domingo, in which representatives of 21 countries examined the impact of external cooperation in their countries and submitted plans for regional development. Delegates also discussed the need to establish projects in Haiti to help the reconstruction and resumption of development after the earthquake of January 12. A delegation from the Haitian government attended the meeting to learn of the active cooperation programs in the Dominican Republic and to evaluate the possibility of establishing agreements. The Dominican Republic is the only country that shares a border with Haiti on the island of Hispaniola, which has become a corridor for humanitarian aid after the earthquake. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 30/06/2010)