OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Women religious in the fight against human trafficking of women

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - Sr Joan Kennedy, a member Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking of Humans (ACRATH), presented herself at the United Nations as the representative of a Commission on Discrimination against Women. The role of the Commission for the Convention Elimination Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) of the UN is to verify that every country which signs the Convention, is faithful to the commitments made to eliminate discrimination against women. "ACRATH has evidence that women victims of human trafficking in Sydney and in Melbourne, after being rescued by the police, returned involuntarily to prostitution in order to pay rent or buy a house" Sr Joan declared. "Some of our sisters, members of ACRATH work closely with these women and are well aware of the difficulties they face when they are set free of slavery. They have nowhere to live. Not having a job they cannot pay rent, the only solution is often to go back to prostitution, which brings a reliable income." (AP) (21/7/2010 Agenzia Fides)
