Salvador de Bahia (Agenzia Fides) - The meeting for religious working in the network “Un Grito por la Vida," which prepared 27 people from the regions of the north and northeast of Brazil to work to prevent trafficking in human beings, concluded in Salvador de Bahia. The meeting began October 14, and had a positive result, as Sister Gabriela Bottani, a member of the Brazilian Net, affirmed.
During the meeting, there were several studies on human trafficking presented, based on a number of surveys and even Biblical studies. One of the issues considered most urgent, according to the network, was the sexual exploitation of women and children.
Also, official data of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on this transnational crime was used, as well as data from the National Research on Trafficking in Women, Children, and Adolescents (PESTRAF, 2002)m which help to reflect on aspects related to this issue.
The objective of the meeting was to form "multipliers" (trainers who can in turn train other people) in the prevention of trafficking in human beings and promote the strengthening of the network in the region. According to Sister Gabriela, there were representatives present from the states of Rondonia and Pará in the North, and Bahia, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Ceará, and Maranhão in the Northeast region.
After this training they have received, participants will be able to form nuclei in their areas of competence, to communicate to others what they have learned to warn them about the dangers of human trafficking. "You need to have a widespread presence, namely, to reach many different places and to raise awareness among as many people as possible," emphasized Sister Gabriela.
The note sent to Fides says that in 2011 there is a scheduled meeting for religious in Foz do Iguaçu, in Paraná, in order to strengthen and expand the activities of the network “Un Grito por la Vida.” “People are realizing the important work of religious and we are creating opportunities to involve the laity,” concluded Sister Gabriela.
The Network "Un Grito por la Vida" is closely related to the Conference of Religious of Brazil (CBR) and acts in the prevention of trafficking in human beings with projects to raise awareness, especially among communities and groups most at risk of falling victim to this organized crime. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 19/10/2010)