Sydney (Agenzia Fides) – According to a report in the daily Australian newspaper, “The Age”, in 2010 Catholic schools recorded a 53% increase in enrolments, equivalent to 2,586 students, with respect to 543 students in public schools and 1,789 in independent schools. This number, confirmed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, reporting that in 2010 enrolments in Victoria in Catholic Schools increased by 1.4%. In a statement from Stephen Elder, head of Catholic education for the Archdiocese of Melbourne, reported by Cath News, this is due to the trust that parents place in Catholic institutions and their appreciation for the work of teachers and staff. “Parents understand that Catholic schools are bright communities of teaching and faith, and offer youth a solid base for the formation of their values,” Elder said. (AP) (7/2/2011 Agenzia Fides)