Bhubaneswar (Agenzia Fides) - The police in Orissa have arrested two Christian leaders with accusations that the community defines "false and intimidating". At 4.30 last night, in Baliguda, the police arrested Junus Pradhan (46 years old), President of the "Christian Jana Kalyan Samaj", an organization which is active in promoting tribal Christians in Kandhamal district, which was the scene of anti-Christian massacres in 2008. Pradhan is accused of collaborating with the Maoist and Naxalite guerrillas in the region. In another operation, officers in the area of Raikia burst into Sukadeb Digal's house (33 years old), the Baptist Pastor in the village of Sipainju, always in the district of Kandhamal, accusing him of carrying out "illegal and fraudulent conversions".
In a note sent to Fides the "Global Council for Indian Christians", an ecumenical association that defends the rights of Christians, says that in both cases, it has to do with "false accusations, which intend to intimidate and discredit those Christians leaders committed for the rights, freedoms, promotion and social development of the Christians in Kandhamal district", who still bear the scars of violence. Today the faithful are in a disadvantaged position in society, they are discriminated against and have not received adequate compensation nor justice in the courts (see Fides 02/01/2012).
As reported to Fides by Brother K.J. Markose, a Monfortan missionary and human rights activist who works in Orissa, "the Christian community in Kandhamal district is becoming more and more courageous and the faithful begin to assert their rights as Indian citizens". A few days ago in Raikia (where Pastor Digal was arrested) Mgr. John Barwa, SVD, Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar went on a pastoral visit to bring comfort and hope to families. The Christians, the Archbishop remarked, "are coming out of their catacombs" and, even during the Christmas liturgies held several public meetings and showed the courage to witness faith openly. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 10/01/2012)