Shi Jia Zhuang ( Agenzia Fides) - "In the footsteps of St. Therese, Patroness of the Missions, go on a mission!" This is what His Exc. Mgr. Joseph Li Lian Gui, Bishop of the Diocese of Xian Xian/Cang Zhou, in the province of He Bei, told the 9 priests and two deacons who were ordained on October 1, the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux. As pointed out by the Bishop, the 1st October was very significant, because it is the feast of the Patroness of the Missions that has many devotees in China and marks the beginning of the month of the rosary and the missionary month. According to information sent to Fides Agency, two important anniversaries are celebrated this year: 150 years since the construction of the Cathedral and 10 years after its new consecration. The new priests are aware that the ordination to priesthood and diaconate is "a new beginning of their mission and their life dedicated to the Lord, rather than a goal achieved". They chose the House of Elders for their first celebration of the Eucharist, to emphasize that their focus will always be directed towards the most vulnerable and needy.
Always at the beginning of the missionary month, even the archdiocese of Tai Yuan (Shanxi) celebrated the ordination of four priests, presided over by His Excellency Msg. Meng Ning You, Coadjutor of the Archdiocese. After a long and intense spiritual retreat for priests of the Archdiocese on the theme of prayer, community sharing and the life of faith, with joy, "the priestly community welcomed these 4 new brothers, to put themselves at the service of the people of God". (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 08/10/2013)