Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - The Archbishop of Seoul, Andrew Yeom Soo-jung, made his first pastoral visit to "Eun-Pyong" Village, a hostel for the homeless, the sick, the marginalized, run by Caritas Seoul. As reported to Fides by the local Church, the visit made on 19 January was a result of a "promise": the Archbishop wanted to celebrate Christmas Mass in the village, but unfortunately was unable to because of the sudden death of a diocesan priest. Eun-Pyong village is a facility that accommodates 900 people, including patients suffering from various diseases such as schizophrenia, diabetes, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease.
The newly appointed Cardinal celebrated a Mass in a climate of brotherhood and sharing. The celebration was attended by about 50 disabled people, in a wheelchair. Mgr. Yeom focused his homily on the "good news": "You have probably wondered many times: why does God make me suffer? The truth is that God has always loved you and you will always be loved. The Kingdom of God exists in places where people love and love sharing".
The Archbishop then visited the sickest patients one by one, greeting and comforting them. On signing the guest book, he wrote: "May this house become the Kingdom of God". He then invited all the present to pray for him.
Archbishop Yeom has always paid great attention to the initiatives of solidarity. In 1986, he looked after the creation of a soup kitchen near the train station in Yeongdeungpo. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 24/01/2014)