New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) – The "joy of the Gospel" corresponds to the "joy of service": with this spirit and with this slogan the National Assembly of Caritas India was held in Bangalore in past days, which saw the participation of 167 diocesan organizations of Caritas. The event was an important test and programming for the organization, which deals with humanitarian aid but also of cooperation projects and development. In particular, the more than 200 delegates listened to the stories of 16 speeches on behalf of Caritas that in past years gave valuable results. These cases relate to health, natural resource management, respect for human rights, mitigation of natural disasters.
In a note sent to Fides Fr. Paul Moonjely, deputy director of Caritas India highlights that "the joy of service, means "putting the person at the center of attention" as "the very definition of human development" also says.Fr. Moonjely points out that "the concept of human development implies fairness and justice".
In the assembly the Executive Director, Fr. Frederick D'Souza, urged those present not to be "administrators", but "animators", on the model of Pope Francis, who is "one of the greatest animators of our time". "To animate", he said, means "to awaken, guide a process of social transformation that starts with the people and communities in order to bring about a change".
Caritas India is the official agency of the Bishops' Conference of India for works of charity and social development. It was founded in 1962 to help the Church in India in the fight against poverty and marginalization. It is committed to serving people without any distinction of caste, creed, ethnic group. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 23/09/2014)