Istanbul (Agenzia Fides) - In view of Pope Francis’ forthcoming visit in Turkey, the community of Sant'Antonio church in Istanbul - entrusted to the pastoral care of the Conventual Franciscans - composed a prayer to invoke the heavenly protection on the important papal visit . In the prayer, sent to Fides Agency, they thank God the Father "for Pope Francis, who plans to visit Turkey" and ask the Lord to spread the mantle of his kindness "on every stage of his pilgrimage so that we might see in him a believing pilgrim, a wise teacher, and a humble leader". The purpose of the ecumenical papal visit - during which Pope Francis will take part in the feast of St. Andrew, Patron of the Church of Constantinople – he is entrusted to Christ himself: "You called Peter and Andrew his brother as you walked by the Sea of Galilee, you made them fishers of men and through their ministry you brought many nations to the light of the Gospel – recites the prayer - Make the meeting of the Holy Father and the Ecumenical Patriarch a clear sign of your presence among us, which removes fear, calls for conversion and brings wonders. Holy Lord, as you prayed for the unity of your Church “that all may be one”, make that meeting a decisive step towards achieving the visible unity of your children. Cause the meeting to deepen within us the awareness of our Christian identity; unite us all in your true discipleship, so that we may bear witness to you in our communities and our society".
The prayer turns its gaze to the conflicts and sufferings that affect the people of the Middle East. "Make the encounter of the Pope with the political authorities fruitful for justice and peace. Protect the residents of this land from violence, hatred and any kind of evil. Give wisdom to all leaders that we may live in harmony and dialogue and cooperate fully for the common good, especially by serving the sick, the poor and the many refugees who now seek shelter in this land". (GV) (Agenzia Fides 03/10/2014)