Maputo (Agenzia Fides) - "International observers have described the elections as 'fair, free and transparent' but some groups of local observers do not share this point of view" say to Fides Agency sources of the local church from Mozambique, where on October 15 presidential and parliamentary elections were held. It seems that the FRELIMO party is winning.
"It should be noted that Mozambique is a vast Country. If in the capital and in major urban centers election observers were present, who certified the fairness of the election, in rural areas, where the observers were not present, things were carried out in a different way, as some missionaries noted", say local sources of Fides.
"The two opposition parties say they do not accept the results. The leader of the Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO), Afonso Dhlakama, has launched a proposal for a government of national unity. The former RENAMO guerrillas appear to be winning in Nampula and Beira, the two major cities after the capital of Mozambique, Maputo".
According to Fides sources, "out of about 11 million registered to vote, about half went to the polls. It therefore seems difficult to agree with the local newspapers that talk about 'mass participation' in the elections". "However, it is certainly positive that the elections were held in a peaceful manner. We hope that the post-election phase is as peaceful", our sources claim. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 20/10/2014)