Manila (Agenzia Fides) - Life sentence is "a death sentence in disguise" because it kills the heart and mind of an individual. After Pope Francis’ appeal to put an end to life imprisonment, the Commission on Prison Pastoral Care of the Philippine Bishops takes the initiative, calling for "a life sentence to be replaced by imprisonment with defined terms".
In a statement sent to Fides, the Commission points out that "life imprisonment is a concept considered inhumane", which eliminates all hope for the prisoner, while "justice is what improves, restores and respects human dignity", said Rodolfo Diamante, Secretary of the Commission. Diamante points out that the Church in the Philippines and other organizations have long supported that the judicial system needs to move from the idea of "retributive justice" to that of "restorative justice". In restorative justice, he explains, offenders are given the opportunity to repair the damage they have done, in different ways.
The Church promotes an idea of justice that "goes beyond punishment, but expresses mercy and compassion". The abolition of the death penalty and life sentence – says the text - go in the direction of the "defense of the dignity of human life". Every man should be given the opportunity "to transform and reform his behavior, especially with the help of society". The subject is topical in Philippine society: Church members in the Philippines are taking part in the Congress entitled "No Justice Without Life" (in Manila, 27 and 28 October), focused on the abolition of the death penalty in Asia. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 28/10/2014)