Hai Men (Agenzia Fides) – Two days of reflection and sharing, with intervals of music and prayer, organised on 29 and 30 November by the diocese of Hai Men, Jiang Su mainland China province, brought together more than 500 Catholic faithful. The theme was “A meeting of hope on evangelising with joy”, and the event was led by a team of ten of the diocese’s committed Catholics.
According to information received by Fides, reflection and sharing on the issues of the family, married life, and the social disorder threatening Christian believers, focussed on the Gospel narration regarding Zachery, who “curious about Jesus”, wanted to see Jesus. Among other things it was said “faith and love of God, are the only solution to every difficulty … Only if the Church is a hope filled Church can the faithful have hope”.
One of the priests who organised the meeting, speaking about his own parish, said: “with Sunday Mass attended by about three hundred faithful and some thirty volunteers active in pastoral care, it is not easy to promote evangelisation. Today this initiative has sparked missionary zeal among the participants”. “After 18 years of priesthood – another priest said – seeing our elderly faithful die one after the other, our adults busy with families and social difficulties, young people hungry for power and money as today’s society demands, I had become very anxious … However the experience of this Sharing has been of great encouragement and I hope the 500 participants carry this spiritual boost back to their communities and their families”.
(NZ) (Agenzia Fides 2014/12/03)