New Delh (Agenzia Fides) - "We call on the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to look on Hindu extremist groups and to stop the incitement to violence among communities". This is what is said in a note from the "Catholic Secular Forum" (CSF), one of the organizations of Indian civil society. "Hindu fundamentalists seem to be encouraged by the new government, which is giving a bad image of India abroad", said the statement sent to Fides.
The NGO noted with concern the campaign promoted by the Hindu extremist group RSS that has promised to "reconvert" - according to a program called "Back home" - more than 4,000 Christian dalit families (untouchables) to Hinduism. To carry out this ceremony on Christmas Day, note the Catholics, is a strong provocation. "We accept conversions from one religion to another, but we ask you not to do this through economic incentives", says the note sent to Fides. Such "forced conversions" are those that Hindu activists condemn strongly, attributing them to Christian missionaries.
"At Christmas we will pray so that all Indian citizens can enjoy full freedom of religion. The danger is that the activities promoted by militant groups fuel polarization and intolerance in Indian society", said the CSF. This is why a strong stance and an intervention of the central government is required, in the commitment to "protect human rights and minorities". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 11/12/2014)