New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - The Indian government has proclaimed December 25 "Day of good governance": it will be celebrated at a national level as a time when institutions, citizens, associations and believers of all religions reflect and make their observations on "good governance", in the name of principles such as transparency, honesty, common good, public interest, dignity and rights for all, equal opportunities.
"We welcome the decision of the central government to observe the Day of good governance on Christmas Day.
The choice of Christmas as a day of good governance is a tribute to Christ, who came to dry every tear", said Sajan K. George to Agency Fides, National President of the "Global Council of Indian Christians" (GCIC).
However Christians note: "Those who believe in democratic institutions in India wish that good governance not only lasts on Christmas Day, but every day of the year". This is why they recall with concern the "attacks and threats against minorities in India": churches devastated, liturgies interrupted, forced conversions of Dalits from Christianity to Hinduism.
"Christmas brings a message of peace and serenity for people of good will. Our desire is that Christmas in India is spent in peace" said George. "Good governance – he explained - includes the fight against religious, social and political communalism" which leads to polarizing society, leads to violence, destroys any form of dialogue and legality. For this reason, he concludes, Christmas, "Day of good governance" constitutes "a reminder to the government, to keep in mind that its job is to work for the peaceful and harmonious development of the nation". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 23/12/2014)