Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The Marian solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, which Lebanon proclaimed a national holiday in 2010, has also seen this year celebrations in various parts of the country promoted by organizations of Christian-Muslim dialogue, starting from Ensemble Autour de Marie group. This year, in particular, Christians and Muslims gathered around Mary in the Shrine of Notre Dame de Nourieh and Notre Dame de Jamhour, for a liturgy of reflections and songs - some in Latin and Aramaic – and also saw the participation of Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lione, together with the Imam of the Mosque of Lione, Kamel Kabtane. The French Cardinal gave a speech dedicated to Mary, defined as "She who sings mercy", while Imam Kabtane expounded a reflection focused on coexistence and interreligious dialogue.
In Lebanon, the Solemnity of the Annunciation was declared a national holiday in 2010 with the declared intention of finding in the devotion to Mary - also shared among Muslims - a point of convergence among the different religious communities. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 26/03/2015)