Bangkok (Agenzia Fides) - "We reaffirm our commitment to work for the equality of human beings and for the rights of marginalized groups such as women, minorities, tribal, indigenous peoples. We feel the duty to promote the universal values of justice and peace and to apply them in the social context of contemporary Asia". This is what the delegates of the "Justice and Peace" Commissions of Asian Bishops state who gathered in Bangkok for the meeting "Peace and reconciliation in the Asian context", organized by the Federation of Bishops' Conferences (FABC) of Asia from 7 to 11 April. The meeting, sponsored by the Human Development Office of the FABC, brought together priests, religious and lay people from Japan, Hong Kong, Macao, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
In the final document, sent to Agenzia Fides, the participants noted "the need for a collective response to the problems and challenges of reconciliation in Asia", basing it on "basic principles such as the inviolable human dignity and the integrity of creation".
"Asia today presents paradoxical tendencies" notes the final Document. On the one hand "the growth of GDP, the improvement in literacy and technical progress". On the other hand "extreme poverty, malnutrition, militarization on a vast scale, lack of rule of law and democratic governance". "Sustainable peace is subject to economic and social justice", while political reconciliation between the conflicting parties cannot choose not to consider "the truth and to recognize the serious human rights violations", it says.
"The rise of nationalism in the Asian countries at the expense of smaller ethnic, linguistic and religious groups is a disturbing fact. We believe that this nationalism is a threat to freedom of religion and belief. Pluralism at a social, cultural and religious level is the beauty of Asia, therefore any ideology that harbors division and conflict should be discouraged by all", note the delegates of the FABC.
Another important issue is the protection of creation: "Asia is prone to disasters due to climate change. As Justice and Peace Commissions in Asia we are committed to strengthen our response to this growing threat". The participants noted with concern that "land grabbing and exploitation of natural resources by multinationals have resulted in an increase in poverty, conflict and various forms of human rights violations".
"The Pope’s recent visit in Asian countries - concludes the text - has encouraged solidarity towards marginalized populations, interreligious commitment for peace and reconciliation, the construction of an inclusive Church". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 14/04/2015)