Kathmandu (Agenzia Fides) - One month after the devastating earthquake that destroyed Nepal, there is a new emergency. With over three million displaced and hundreds of thousands of buildings damaged or destroyed, the upcoming monsoon season remains one of the most pressing needs. Caritas Nepal has launched an action plan in favor of 20,000 families, about 100,000 people, over the next two months. The plan provides for the distribution of kits for temporary housing: tarpaulins, ropes, mats, blankets; solar-powered lamps, buckets, pots and kitchen utensils; water purification tablets; sanitary kits consisting of soap, disinfectant, sanitary cloths, cotton cloth, linen, towels, toothbrush and toothpaste. The project is intended for families whose homes collapsed or were seriously damaged, with priority for the most vulnerable, female-headed households, unaccompanied minors and the disabled. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 30/05/2015)