New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - The Association of the Franciscan Family in India (AFFI), which brings together religious, sisters and lay people of different orders, followers of Francis of Assisi, is committed to raising awareness on gender violence: from 25 to September 27 a National Seminar will be held in Bhopal to search for "effective responses to violence against women".
As reported in a note sent to Fides by the coordinator of AFFI, friar Nithiya Sagayam OFM Cap, "a supplement of reflection and action is necessary for the well-being of girls and women in India, due to the increasing violence against women".
According to data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), rape is the fastest growing crime in India. Furthermore 45% of women are beaten every day in the family, 75% of battered women try to commit suicide, 55% of women perceive violence against women as "normal", while 77% of men feel their masculinity is threatened if their wives do not listen to them.
"From the womb to the tomb, a girl suffers enormous violence. It is our task to change this situation", explains fra Sagayam, recalling that the AFFI intends to work with specific programs against violence, especially in schools and universities. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 20/07/2015)