Dhaka (Agenzia Fides) - The killing of bloggers by Islamic extremists (four deaths since February) is also a warning for the religious minorities of Banglasdesh, penalized in their life and freedom: says Imran H. Sarker, spokesperson for the movement of the "Bangladesh Shahbag" network of activists that ask the government for democracy and justice. The lastest murder was committed against Niloy Chakrabarti, who was killed by a gang of Islamists in his home on August 7 in Dhaka. The other victims were Avijit Roy and Washiqur Rahman, killed in Dhaka, and Ananta Bijoy Das, attacked by a group armed with machetes in the northeastern city of Sylhet.
According to Imran H. Sarker religious minorities are also in danger: "Although the Constitution of Bangladesh proclaims the secularism of the state – he told the press - we are struggling to maintain space for secularism in the country.
Even Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities are regularly attacked in Bangladesh. The system is such that people are taking advantage of the state administrative to intimidate minorities and expropriate their rights and property".
"Politics has become a tool to perpetuate the power of political parties, that in words protect secularism. The only solution is to start deep political and democratic reforms that touch every political institution in Bangladesh", he concludes. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 27/08/2015)