Vatican City (Fides Service ) – On Saturday 26 July 2003 Pope John Paul II appointed 18 Consultors for the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples: 7 archbishops, 4 bishops, 6 priests, 1 woman religious.
Archbishops: Peter Turang, Arcivescovo of Kupang (Indonesia); Angelo Massafra, of Shkodrë (Albania); John Baptist Odama of Gulu (Uganda); Buti Joseph Tlhagale Archbishop-Bishop of Johannesburg (South Africa); Andreas Choi Chang-mou of Kwangju (Korea); Theodore-Adrien Sarr, of Dakar (Senegal); Tomasz Peta, of Maria Santissima in Astana (Kazakhstan).
Bishops: Paulino do Livramento Évora, of Santiago de Cabo Verde (Cape Verde); Bruno Bertagna, titular of Drivasto, Secretary Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts; José de Jesús Quintero Díaz, titular of Chimera, Vicar Apostolic of Leticia (Colombia); John Tong Hon titular of Bossa Auxiliary of Hong Kong.
Priests: Mgr. Juan Esquerda Bifet, Lleida diocese (Spain), Canon of St Mary’s major’s Basilica in Rome; Mgr. Mario Marchesi, Vicar General of Cremona diocese (Italy); Father Saturnino Dias, of Goa and Damão archdiocese (India), executive Secretary of the Commission of the "Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences" (FABC);Father Fidel González Fernández, MCCI, rector pontifical Urban College "de Propaganda Fide", Rome; Father Jan Gorski, Katowice archdiocese (Poland), Father Dimitrios Salachas, Professor of Canon Law at Urban University, Rome.
Sister Elisabetta Adamiak, SSPC, Superior General of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver, Rome. (S.L.) (Fides Service 28/7/2003; lines 21 – words 238)