Loja (Fides Service) - In general, apart for some variations due to situations in different mission posts, the day of young university student missionaries taking part in Second Mission Ecuador 2005 will be marked by common moments. The missionary group will start the day by entrusting the day’s work to the Blessed Virgin Mary. After morning prayer and breakfase the group leaders will choose people to take it in turns to cook, serve at table, wash up, do the housework etc. The missionaries will then have an hour of formation after which in pairs they will set out to visit families, enquire about their worries, concerns and difficulties…and invite them to join formation workshops in the afternoon.
If there is room the missionaries will have lunch together. In the early afternoon they will take part in workshops of human and spiritual formation of childrem, youth and adults. The workshop themes will be chosen according to the age and difficulites of each group but will all centre on the human dignity of the chidlren of God and how to live this dignity in the diverse human realities and circumstances, avoiding all that degrades this dignity. The missionaries will also take part in professional workshops in which the university students will present small projects oriented to improve living conditions. For example medicine students will give instuction in first aid, nutrition and hygiene; students in architecture and civil engineering on improving housing and sanitation; agriculture students will teach grafting and how to start family vegetable gardens... In some places there will be “medical days” with specialists who offer free medical checks for people in need of treatment identified by the missionaries. In this perspective the groups are formed of students from different faculties. The workshops close with the celebration of the Eucharist where a priest is available or a Celebration of the Word led by one of the missionaries.
The long day of mission ends with supper and then reading and meditation on Charter 13 of St Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians (hymn to charity), and reflection on anything which has been contrary to charity in relations among themselves or with the community. The group leader then encourages the missionaries to live charity during their mission in the name of Christ, to study and reflect on difficulties encountered and find solutions to render the mission more effective. The meeting ends with a prayer of thanks to Mary. (R.Z.) (Agenzia Fides 7/9/2005, righe 32, parole 479)