To make known the figure and the work of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who will be beatified by Pope John Paul II on Mission Sunday 19 October 2003, Mondo e Missione monthly magazine published by the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions PIME, has prepared a 36 page Special Issue. The publication is offered as a tool of preparation for the Beatification and also mission animation during the missionary month of October in families and Christian communities. The Special issue aims to go to the roots of the spirituality of the future Blessed Mother and highlight her charisma. It presents a series of interesting interviews, reports and testimony. It also gives some unedited passages of some of Mother Teresa’s letters and a series of articles from India which show her popularity even among non Christians. A useful tool for preparing adequately the beatification of Mother of Calcutta. AP (Fides Service 30/7/2003 EM lines 12 Words: 158)