Chennai (Agenzia Fides) - "A Christian has a big heart, ready to bring the message of salvation to every corner of the world. We ask God to transform our hearts in order to accomplish the mission of catechesis and evangelization entrusted to each of us, by virtue of our baptismal call": with these words His Exc. Mgr. Vincent Barwa, Bishop of Simdega, member of the Commission for the Catechism of the Catholic Bishops Conference, opened the three-day conference, from September 22 to 24, in which the National Catechetical Directory is presented. The meeting, held in Chennai, sees the participation of 98 delegates including Bishops, priests, religious and lay faithful from all over India.
The Directory, approved earlier this year by the Indian Bishops, is considered a great achievement for the Church in India and the Conference of Chennai intends to study the various parts and discuss the applications at a regional and diocesan level. The text is seen as "an opportunity to rediscover the catechetical ministry and create in all the faithful a renewed passion for catechesis", says a note sent to Fides by Fr. Laurence Culas, Executive Secretary of the Commission for Catechesis of the Bishops' Conference of India.
"The Directory - says the statement - contains the rules, principles and guidelines for effective catechesis: a useful text to guide the formation of the faithful in the Indian context". According to Don Jayapalan Raphel SDB, of the Salesian Province of Chennai, "the Directory, which is a milestone in the history of catechesis in India, promotes a renewed understanding of catechesis", and will be very valuable to all parish communities in India. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 23/09/2015)