New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - The Day for the Liberation of Dalits will be dedicated to "Climate, castes and care for the Earth", that every year the Catholic Church in India celebrates in proximity to the UN Human Rights Day (December 10). This year the Day, scheduled on December 13, will have an ecumenical character, given that it will be celebrated with the National Council of Churches in India, which brings together Protestant churches. The day - according to a statement sent to Agenzia Fides, signed by Mgr. A. Neethinathan, President of the office for the Dalits in the Indian Episcopal Conference - this year will also be connected to the Jubilee of Mercy: "May the Dalits find mercy in the Lord and find comfort in Him in their suffering", hopes the note sent to Fides.
"The Sunday for the liberation of Dalits is celebrated throughout the Church in India showing solidarity with the brothers and sisters of Dalit origin, especially Christians", notes the text, recalling that Pope Francis in the encyclical "Laudato Sì" illustrates the inseparable link between concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society, inner peace.
"Dalits are not only economically poor, but do not have rights, since they are denied political and social rights. Caste is a human system that assigns a social stigma handed down for generations. We as citizens of India and as a member of the Indian Church cannot ignore the plight of the Dalit brothers and sisters ", says the statement.
"Many of us are not aware of the situation of Dalits and some of us consciously discriminate against them, in violation of the values of the Gospel", while "we all have a responsibility to promote peace, to bring joy to others and take care of our Mother Earth", concludes the text. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 25/11/2015)