Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - "Almost 80% of our people, rich and poor, old and young, have voted for a change. You have led a silent revolution":is how Cardinal Charles Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, addresses the Burmese population, while the results of the elections held on November 8, which sanctioned the clear victory of the National League for Democracy, are official. "Democracy has been established in every corner of this country. I congratulate the Electoral Commission. Democracy in this country has been guaranteed by transparency and hard work", says the Cardinal in a statement sent to Fides.
"We are deeply encouraged by the readiness of President Thein Sein and the army commander in recognizing the results", notes the Cardinal. "In Myanmar today there is a beacon of hope in the transition towards peace".
In this process, "in a context torn by war and hatred, Aung Saw Suu Kyi remains the only symbol of moral power. All races and religions in Myanmar have chosen her as their head of hope. She is the icon of hope for millions of people", notes Bo, remembering the challenges that the nation faces: "extreme poverty, conflict and refugees, denial of rights, increased religious fundamentalism, proliferation of drugs, human trafficking.
"We hope that this great 'Rainbow Nation', blessed with so many resources, can rely on justice and peace. The journey towards freedom, peace and development begins", said the Cardinal. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 21/11/2015)