Julien Harneis
Sana'a (Agenzia Fides) - Shiara hospital, in Razeh district in northern Yemen, was hit yesterday, 10 January 2016. A serious accident that caused at least four dead and 10 injured and the collapse of several buildings of the medical facility supported by Doctors Without Borders (MSF). According to a statement released by the organization, sent to Fides, the numbers of casualties could rise as there could still be people trapped in the rubble. All staff and patients have evacuated and patients are being transferred to Al Goumoury hospital in Saada. The conflict is particularly acute in Razeh District. The population of the area have been severely affected by constant bombings and the cumulative weight of 10 months of war. Shiara Hospital had already been bombed before MSF started supporting it and services were reduced to stabilisation, emergency, maternity and lifesaving activities. This is the third incident in an MSF health facility in the last three months. On 27 October 2015, Haydan hospital was destroyed by an airstrike by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia (SLC) and on 3 December a health center in Taiz was also hit. In Yemen, MSF is working in the Aden, Al-Dhale, Taiz, Saada, Amran, Hajjah, Ibb and Sana'a governorates. Since the start of the crisis in March 2015, medical teams have treated more than 20,000 war wounded patients, and are managing 11 hospitals and health centers and supports regularly 18 health care centers. More than 790 tons of medical supplies have been sent by MSF so far. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 11/01/2016)