Manila (Agenzia Fides) - The Church in the Philippines offers its contribution in the effort to combat the spread of the Zika virus in the country, joining the widespread awareness campaign prepared by government authorities.
As reported in a note sent to Fides, Camillian Fr. Dan Vicente Cancino, Secretary of the Commission for Health in the Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, said that in several dioceses, ecclesial teams have started to support local officials committed to reaching and informing the population living in areas at risk. "The population exposed is the same that is vulnerable to dengue" explained the Secretary.
Fr. Cancino has urged the government to a stronger and determined commitment to combat an epidemic that has already taken hold in America. "We need to create more awareness about the Zika virus" he said, launching an appeal to the Ministry for Health. "Since it is a new virus, there are still many people who do not know about it and do not know the preventive measures". Prevention is indeed a key strategy, while there is still no specific treatment or vaccine to prevent the Zika virus.
It is urgent to inform and sensitize the population, especially in rural villages, asking them to take simple measures to control the proliferation of mosquitoes by eliminating the places where insects lay eggs.
The Zika virus, transmitted by a mosquito, has mild symptoms but becomes very dangerous for pregnant woman. It is endemic in parts of Africa and Asia. The most affected countries are Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, El Salvador. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 08/02/2016)