AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Contribution of the radio in building peace

Wednesday, 20 July 2016 peace   episcopal conferences   media  


Bogota (Agenzia Fides) – In order to reach forgiveness, reconciliation and peace among Colombians it is first necessary to know the roots and the reasons of the armed conflict experienced in the country. In this process the role and identity of social communicators are crucial to build peace scenarios in Colombia. This is what is proposed in the second virtual course sponsored by the Department of communications of the Colombian Episcopal Conference, which will begin on August 22, with the theme "Towards a language of forgiveness, reconciliation and peace".
According to the information released by the Episcopal Conference, sent to Fides, the virtual course is aimed at directors, producers, presenters and entertainers of the radio programs of community broadcasters, and is intended as a further contribution of the Catholic Church to the pacification of the country, which in the post-conflict requires the commitment and the help of all the forces that make it up.
The program includes 80 hours of training in two sessions ( "Let us get to know peace" and "Let us build peace"), preceded by an introductory week, and the drafting of a final project. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 20/07/2016)
