Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "Mercy: a way of being in the world" is the title of the new eConference (web conference) organized for September 20 by Broken Bay Institute, in the eponymous Australian dioceses, specialized in online communication on theological and spiritual topics. In tune with the contents of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Broken Bay Institute, partner of the Australian Bishops' Conference, "intends to respond in this way to the invitation of Pope Francis to explore this central aspect of our faith", announces the Institute.
As reported in a note sent to Fides, the Broken Bay Institute has created a series of events, conferences and seminars entitled "Mercy Moments" during the Holy Year. "We believe that the eConference is an extension of the formation of faith in contemporary era and in a contemporary environment" explained Gerard Goldman, CEO of the Institute. In an institute that makes theological and spiritual formation its mission, "we believe it is our responsibility to provide all the faithful who can connect online a resource and a free in-depth analysis", continued Goldman.
The speakers of the web conference will include: His Exc. Mgr. Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane; Sister Veronica Lawson, sripture scholar; Phil Glendenning, president of the Australian Refugee Council. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 05/09/2016)
OCEANIA/SAMOA - V World Apostolic Congress on Mercy: an Ocean of Love that surrounds the whole world