Sydney (Fides Service) - Australia’s ecumenical magazine InUnity has an edition on line: stories, events, news from the Christian Churches on the Newest of continents, joint celebrations in which the ecumenical movement is protagonist, have found a new electronic space though which to reach thousands of Christians.
The movement present and visible at says dialogue is an indispensable path for anyone searching for the truth. Pastoral dialogue calls for formation of conscience, awareness that love of Christ compels believers to reach out to others with charity and respect. Dialogue, cultural, ecumenical and inter-religious is recognised as the necessary method for measuring reciprocal openness and willingness to reconsider one’s views in the process of building human civilisation in Australia for the common good.
“InUnity” is published by the National Council of Churches in Australia which organises ecumenical initiatives in many different fields including humanitarian aid and cooperation for development. One recent initiative is a campaign aimed at the reduction of poverty experienced by Australia’s Indigenous Peoples by 2015. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 14/11/2005 Righe: 22 Parole: 232)